TC OB Galogitho rises from the ashes of Makerere's Ivory Tower
Brilliant and with a bright future then, Galogitho speaks in 1996 before he was expelled into poverty 📌 Makerere University Guild Presidents since Independence ✳️ 1962/63 Matthew Rukikaire ✳️ 1962/64 ✳️ 1964/65 Shija Kaloba ✳️ 1965/66 Akiiki Mujaju ✳️ 1966/67 Paul Nyambala ✳️ 1967/68 Noa Miguda ✳️ 1968/69 John Butime ✳️ 1969/70 Anyang Nyong'o ✳️ 1970/71 James Ekwaro ✳️ 1971/72 Tumusiime Mutebire ✳️ 1972/73 Olara Otunnu ✳️ 1973-1978 NO ELECTIONS ✳️ 1979 ***** Ndamurani Ateenyi ✳️ 1980 **** Whelikhe Watuwa ✳️ 1980/81 Opiyo Oloya ✳️ 198...