VIDEOS: St Peters College vs Nabumali fundraiser sports matches


St Peter's College Old Boys engaged their Nabumali counterparts in several Sports events Sunday August 14 - a first step to raising money to rebuild their schools in Eastern Uganda.

The one day event held in Kampala attracted old boys from different generations... from the 60s to freshers, some as recent as five years ago.

Next will be the TC Old Boys League starting next month.

Nyangolians win basketball

Nabumali won both football matches. The boys from the foothills of Mount Elgon started on a high, pulling off a 3-1 victory in game 1, before settling for 2-2 in the second. The boys from TC XI, hastily assembled for the assignment, did not have luck on their side, falling 3-2 on penalties. 

Despite being led by Rock solid Omella Allan Raphael, one of the finest goalkeepers St Peter's College has produced, they conceded 5 goals as their level of unfitness showed in the dying minutes of the thriller.

Nabumali took volleyball glory as well, winning by 2 sets to zero before TC bounced back with a basketball master class,  21 - 13 pts.

The TC 11:

1.Omuse Joel Benjamin 
2. Okello Ivan Silverstone
3.Mukule Ambrose
4. Omakada Paul
5.Odong Sam.
6.Omella Allan Raphael-2018-2021
7.Raganyi Ibrahim 2018
8.Oligo Lawrence (also scored in the first game)
9.Okware Boniface 2018-2021
10.Okongo Collins 2019
11.Mangeni Albert 2019-2021

In basketball,  Micheal Opolot was TC top Scorer  With 9 points
Others were: 
Olobo Moses aka early man 97-2000
Robert Rutaisire...aka roba 97-2000
Joseph wandega...aka chief peke/cheche 2003-2004.- Team captain 
Atwine Brian aka Tatu 2002-2003.
Ema Aupal. 97-2000.

The volleyball team included:
1.Omella Allan Raphael 2015-2021 (Team Captain)
2.Okware Boniface 2015-2021
3.Okello Ivan 2010-2015
4.Aloks Angel TG
5.Joseph Wandega 2003-2004 aka Chief Peke
6.Musamali Jorum 2008-2012
7.Omuse Joel Benjamin


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